Dear friend in Christ,
Have you ever dreamed of studying God's Word in your mother tongue and obtain several other resources for your spiritual enrichment? Please type this address on your Internet Browser.... www.GodsOwnLanguage.com
Malayalam is a South Indian language spoken by about 38 million people, predominantly in Kerala, commonly termed as the 'God's own Country'. The website aims in bringing all the Christian resources available in Malayalam language freely under one umbrella through the website 'God's Own Language'.
"Freely you have received; freely give." (Matthew 10:8)
How could you take part in this project?
Organizations and individual who share this common vision can partner with us in this endeavour. Are you a writer, singer or a publisher? Send us a copy of your book/article in PDF, Song/Message in MP3 Audio or a Bible Class Video. We will publish it online in your name and you will be the copyright owner of the materials which you provide.
We appreciate your prayers and partnership.
Please forward this message and share the website www.GodsOwnLanguage.com to your friends, family members, co-believers, acquaintances, co-workers etc. Send us articles/other resources for publishing.
If you like to take part in this project, please contact us at :- godsownlanguage@gmail.com
Please like our Facebook page for getting more updates :- www.facebook.com/GodsOwnLanguage
Remember in your prayers,
May God Bless you.
Team God's Own Language.
(Note : Since this website is in Development stages, your feedback is very vital for us. Please use the below Feedback form or email us at godsownlanguage@gmail.com to make us know your comments/feedbacks. Thanks for your visit.)